Sunday, January 15, 2017

Off To a Bad Start

School started this week. I am a little anxious to see how I do with meshing my new lifestyle with my  studies and work. I am determined and I think spending time on this blog will help me stay focused. 
I was so enthusiastic when I wrote the segment above at the beginning of the week. I woke up with a cold the next day.. It is now Sunday and I just started on my homework for this week and needless to say the last day I worked out was last Tuesday. I have ate pretty well and my cold seems to be dwindling. 
Tuesday night I made Paleo Tortillas and had chicken tacos with tomatoes, avocado, lemon juice, salt and pepper. They were so good! They will definitely be something I have again.

I want to document what I used to try and remedy my cold. I am a firm believer in wheatgrass shots. Every time that I have felt a cold coming and I go get a shot of wheatgrass my cold is significantly shorter! I say this with a disclaimer because taking the shot itself is something I think I phrased to my friend as, "utter hell." It is the most disgusting taste on this planet. I don't know if it is something that could be acquired. It tasted like sweet dirt with an aftertaste of god knows what.. Not only that, there are different kinds of side effects that people report experiencing shortly after taking the shot. Here is what I found when I googled "Wheatgrass shot side effects." says "Besides headache and nausea, some of the most common detox symptoms are stomach ache, skin eruptions, coughing, nasal congestion and mild fever." If that doesn't sell it to you.. Haha! I know for myself to expect about 30 min of nausea after taking it, but I also know the good that it does. 
A fun little fact, I made sure to ask for an orange juice chaser (because I know how awful the wheatgrass is) and the sweet girl at the drive-thru told me it came with an orange slice. I was horrified. I wanted the chaser I was used to, not only that but I had backup green tea for after the orange juice. 
My cold remedy

The week ended on a good note with my closest friends and family. We all came together with our healthy recipes and had a family style feast. It was delicious!
I am definitely going to take this next week to jump back into exercising and eating well. I also need to keep up on my studies and find a balance with everything. I decided not to weight myself this week. I didn't get much exercise in, and even though I don't want to make this blog about the number on the scale. I think a gain or no change at all would be discouraging, so out of sight out of mind and we'll try again this next week.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

I'm Back...

I'm back to attempt this journey again. I want it to really be a lifestyle change. When I was last posting in 2014 I was very unhappy. My marriage was failing and focusing on my weight loss and my lifestyle change really made me see that I could make many changes in my life. When I stopped posting was when I attempted to end my marriage the first time which was the end of February 2014. He and I decided to try counseling for a third time. We were consistent and went about twice a month for 8 months. I felt that even though we had worked through and learned a lot, I was still very unhappy. Fast-forward to October 2014, I once again I wanted to end my marriage. I asked my ex husband to move out and I filed for divorce two weeks later.
Now I don't want to make this post a bash on my ex.. that won't make anything feel better. I didn't just wake up one day and decide I didn't want to be married to this person anymore. It was a lot of factors and a long time coming. We had been married for almost five years and together almost seven. We grew apart in many ways and we could never seem to see eye to eye. I still have love for my ex husband. The sad thing is that we didn't end on 100% good terms like I had hoped for. Divorce is messy. Emotions are at an all time high. I was definitely more vocal about my feelings, where he kept his hidden. Throughout the emotional rollercoaster of my divorce, I found refuge in my spirituality. I found self love and acceptance. I learned to relax. I truly believe that our mission here in life is to love each other. If I could go back there are definitely things that I would have done different in my marriage.
After my divorce, I moved back to my dad's house and enrolled in school at Weber State University. I have been working on my prerequisites for the Radiology Tech program. I just submitted my application on January 6th. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I have never wanted something so much! I have longed to work in healthcare. I just wasn't ever brave enough to pursue it until now.
The last change that occurred since 2014 was with my mom. She passed away June 25th 2016. I miss her everyday and still can't believe she is gone. She was diagnosed with Appendix cancer in 2011. She had an intense surgery to get rid of the tumor and to receive chemo. She struggled to bounce back after that. She had multiple surgeries to try and correct some things since then. This last time was just too much on her body. I don't believe we ever truly die. I have no doubt that my mom is around me watching over things. She was so proud of what I was doing to achieve my goals. I have a new motivation to keep going. She was an amazing mother and mentor. I want to leave a positive light in people the way that she did. I met many people who love my mom at her services. She is very loved by many because she loved everyone she came in contacted with.
Needless to say between school, work and the passing of my mom,
I have been stressed, depressed, and a bit crazy at times. I know that grief comes in many forms and I am also not afraid to cry. I am healing. I want 2017 to be positive and light. I want to feel good and I want my body to look good. I believe that starts with what I put in it. I will be blogging my diet, weight loss, and I have also been in talks with my best friend, Roxie about starting a separate duo blog. I am so excited to see where this year takes me!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

One Month In

OMG it has been a month! I never thought I would be able to go this long and be so persistent! It has definitely paid off! I cannot believe I have lost 20 lbs! I wish it would not have taken me this long to get motivated. If I knew it was this simple I would have lost weight years ago. I used to get discouraged if I wasn't getting instant gratification when it came to weightloss. This time has been so different though. I keep hearing my husband's voice in my head when he told me what Einstein said " Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So I'm doing something different now and I'm getting different results, genius! Choose your insanity. I know how to get the results I want now. I just need to stick with it. To get to my goal, I need to repeat the weight-loss I achieved this month, 3 more times. Oh it's on! I can definitely do this!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The First Fifteen

15lbs!!! I can't believe it! I know they say the first 10lbs is water weight, but either way it's motivational. I can tell a difference in my body though, even if it's a small change. My clothes are getting looser, I can't keep my pants up! Also, I noticed my arms are looking smaller this morning and I am not just walking on the treadmill anymore. I am RUNNING, I repeat, RUNNING! Something I used to see as impossible.
It is my husband's birthday today and we have been celebrating all weekend. So I have cheated a little when it came time to cake and ice cream. The one thing I can say is the portion size I took was about a quarter of what I used to take. I am very proud of that. We also went to Applebees on Friday night. My husband loves their Wonton Tacos. I caved, I had two and I paid for it the rest of the night! It was such and eye opener about processed foods. My esophagus was burning and I felt like I was going to throw up. NEVER AGAIN. Clean eating feels so much better!
Last August, my boss purposed as a bonding experience, we all do a Moonlight Half Marathon. It was a fun run and I was in no shape to run it, but I was like 'what the heck, I'll walk it.' OH BOY. I have never hurt so much in my life! I hobbled around for the next week like an elderly person. One of my coworkers is a marathon runner and luckily he gave me some recovery advice. There was a lot of Ibuprofen and cold showers for me. I have been thinking about how out of shape I was and this may sound crazy but I want to do it again, but with preparation this time. It was such an amazing feeling to finish and I see why people do it. The sense of accomplishment was like an amazing high feeling. The whole goal was to get across the finish line closest to midnight and timing devices were not allowed. I started around 8:00pm and crossed at 12:00:33s. I have been looking at some half marathons in my area I want to do this summer, but I also want to start small some I going to do some 5Ks to start and make my end goals The American Fork Canyon Half in June. What I love about the American Fork Half is that all the proceeds go to cancer patients to help pay for their treatments. I lost my Aunt in January 2012 to Breast cancer and my mom has been recovering the last 3 years from Appendix cancer. Needless to say this one means a lot to me. The Moonlight Half is
in August so I have some time to prepare. I know myself and with goals like this I will do everything I can to do better!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Avocado Lemon Chicken and Apple Crisp, OH MY!

It was a pretty productive Saturday. I got my workout in, cleaned the house, and my husband and I even went to the movies. (something we never do!) I concocted a couple of yummy paleo recipes I just had to share.

This first dish is AMAZING! A coworker of mine told me that her family loved avocados and they made their own simple guacamole. Where they just mashed up the avocado and sprinkle salt and pepper and lemon juice on it. I have been living on lemon chicken and I love avocados. why not mix them?!

Avocado Lemon Chicken

 -1 Chicken breast grilled in coconut oil.
 -1 Avocado diced in skin.
 - Salt and Pepper
 - lemon juice

Squeeze the avocado out on top of the chicken breast. Then squeeze lemon juice over avocados and chicken to your liking and salt and pepper. VoilĂ ! The most delicious paleo dish!

The second is a dessert. I was having a sweet craving last night and instead of baking a batch of cookies or brownies, like I used to, I made a paleo apple crisp.
 Apple Crisp
(instructions go by picture)
- 2 Med Granny Smith Apples, sliced and lay in bread pan.
- 1/2 C. Mixed cashews and almonds, ground up.
- 2 Tb Stevia mixed in with nut grounds.
- 1 Tb Coconut oil, mixed into Stevia and nuts. (I used my hands to mix)    
-Sprinkle crumble mixture over sliced apples and bake @ 375 degrees for 20min.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Path To Paleo

I was talking with my sister about weight loss (she has lost 70+ lbs before) and I was explaining what I can and cannot eat. When I told her I couldn't eat grains she said "Oh I can't do that. If I don't allow myself a little bit, I'll go crazy." I got to thinking about this and I understand everyone is different, I don't feel like I am going crazy. I also know my self very well and if I was to allow those things into my diet I would have no portion control. So it is safer and easier for me just to say NO to it all. It's said it takes 21 days to create a habit. Well, I am on day 20 and I do feel like I already have new habits.

My husband is not wanting to be Paleo, which is fine. I just buy different groceries for him. I first this was hard. As I walked through the grocery store I would see all the food I loved to eat. He would cook a frozen pizza and I really wanted some but I never cracked. Now, those things don't even sound appealing. I want fresh meat and veggies or a fruit smoothie. Also, as I watch the numbers on the scale drop, I can't help but get more motivation because obviously I am doing something right if I am losing weight like I am. I think I have said this before in my first blog post, but I can't tell you much better my body feels. I used to get heartburn and headaches on a daily basis. I would either being popping a Tums in my mouth or taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol. I can honestly say, I haven't done either those in the last twenty days. I feel energetic and clear headed. I am never going back to that miserable state.

(Woohoo I am in the 230's! I have a deal with myself. I CANNOT color my hair until I reach 230lbs.)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sugaraholics Anonymous

My name is Hayley and I am a sugar addict... All jokes aside, I really do love my sweets and when I started this whole life change, I had some reservations for this very reason. I can't have cake? Tiramisu? ugh and what about bread pudding? So, I had to get creative. I have found a few things that helped kill my sweet tooth cravings without going crazy and sabotaging everything I have been working toward. 

The first dessert is very simple. It satisfies my sweet tooth without having to worry about how many calories I just consumed, or how I just messed up my diet so I might as well just give up. (yes, I have done that!)

Strawberries & Stevia
-10 Medium Strawberries cut into 1/4 (4 calories a strawberry)
-2 tsp Stevia 

Then mix it up until the Stevia turns into somewhat of a glaze. If you have ever had strawberries and sugar, that is what I was try to copycat here. Also, I am not counting calories at all. But for those people who do, I added in the calories as a FYI. So, this is a very filling, very satisfying 40 calorie dessert.

The second dessert is higher in calories but also just
as satisfying. I love Red Mango and I am in love with their coconut Greek yogurt. So when I saw that Chobani made a coconut flavor I knew I had to try it and let me tell you, OMG this stuff is delicious!

Coconut Yogurt Dessert
-1 cup Chobani Coconut Greek Yogurt (150 cal.)
-10 Raspberries (10 cal.)
-1 square of Intense Dark 86% Cacao Midnight Reverie Bar (60 cal.)

Stir the yogurt until it's smooth. Place the raspberries on top of the yogurt or stir them in! In a glass bowl melt the Ghirardelli square. ( about 60 sec. in the microwave.) Then drizzle the liquid chocolate over the raspberries. The chocolate then hardens almost like magic shell ice cream topping. I know that chocolate isn't exactly Paleo but I did go with a higher percentage of cacao. Which I have heard is better for you. 

I will continue to find sweet-tooth-killing-concoctions and share them. Hope you enjoy!